My name is Zacchaeus Jewell, im 24years old and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 18 during my second semester of college in 2017. After seeing doctors in my home town I was advised to undergo intense chemotherapy for 6 months which turned into 8 months. During this process I was miserable and actually felt more sick than ever . I ended up running into Dr. Makeba around the end of my 8 months through her son and when I gave her the details of my situation she put together a plan to help rid my body of all the toxic matter it had taken in from my treatment . Not long after I started my new plan it was like life suddenly started to return to me. The alkaline vegan diet I was put on became more so of a life style so for the next months to come that’s basically all I consumed along with precious herbs and vitamins . When I received my next check up all the cancer that was showing up in my previous CAT scans were no longer showing up.